Querifi Benefits

The Benefits of Querifi apply across any industry where accurately retaining and applying knowledge acquired through training is important.

In some industries remembering the knowledge taught in training is not just a matter of improved performance in a corporate context. Accurate recall is sometimes so crucial that lives depend on it.

Querifi can be of special benefit in these industries

Querifi delivers

  • High-impact enduring learning. Learners don’t just remember concepts and principles – they internalise and understand the knowledge and can apply it in a variety of contexts.
  • Improved performance and productivity
  • Enhanced engagement and motivation
  • Upgraded skills
  • Improved creativity and initiative
  • Increased confidence
  • Faster mastery of essential skills
  • Deep and lasting learning
  • Identification of areas where more input is required
  • Increased flexibility and awareness
  • Continuous learning, not just a learning event
  • Awareness of the relevance of learning in the context of the job
  • Enhanced return on the investment in training

Because Querifi works across any mobile device learners can reinforce their knowledge and up-tier their skills wherever they are.

Querifi combats the forgetting curve by converting knowledge into deep learning, while making the process enjoyable and fun. People do their jobs better with the support of Querifi. It encourages a culture of curiosity and intellectual growth that benefits companies and their employees.