How Querifi Works

Companies make a considerable annual investment in training their people, but how much of a lasting and practical impact does that training have?

How many people recall cramming for examinations, getting through with great grades, and then forgetting most of what they learned within weeks?

The same tendency to forget once the “event” is over happens with training in the corporate environment.

We know from research that in many people about 90% of the information acquired in a training program is mostly forgotten within thirty days. Benefits from investment in training are therefore limited unless something is done to boost retention and to combat the tendency to forget.

The tendency to forget newly learned knowledge was studied by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 19th century. The process of forgetting is illustrated graphically in the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Decay is most rapid in the first hours and days after learning.

Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve


Using methods that combat the forgetting curve is a necessity to get long-lasting results and usable skills from training for the workplace.

Querifi is an App that was created to do exactly that – combat the forgetting curve, make learning stick and converting it into a valuable and usable skill.

Querifi achieves this by:

  • Prompting active recall and retrieving of information while it is still in the short term memory
  • Reinforcing learning with spaced repetition
  • Consolidating learning with action and application
  • Relating information to previously learned concepts
  • Strengthening retention with visual stimulus
  • Motivating with competition – people are rewarded for retention and successful application
  • Entrenching/Embedding learning even through mistakes - people remember mistakes as much as successes

Querifi not only combats the forgetting curve, Querifi helps boost the learning curve in a way that is enjoyable, engaging and – memorable.