Querifi Features

The features of Querifi embody the principles required for maximum knowledge retention and combating the forgetting curve.

The App is flexible and supports both formal training and personalised, informal learning.

Summary of Features

  • Activity dashboard – every user has an intuitive dashboard to access their questions and challenges.
  • Automatic notifications and reminders – users are notified when questions arrive on multiple devices. Reminders are issued at pre-set intervals if questions are not answered.
  • Activity Tracking – clear activity tracking is part of the user experience. It is also available for managers.
  • Collaboration Arena – to facilitate team-based activities.
  • Data Tracking – stored data is accessible from the program manager dashboard and easily manipulated for performance reports and benchmarking.
  • Gamification – Querifi integrates the natural motivation generated by gamification to enhance the learning experience and reinforce learning.
  • Heat maps – provide an instant visual of where learners are in the process, who needs additional help, and in which area.
  • Leader boards – enhance competition and motivation, and are visible to users and managers.
  • Multi-dimensional analytics – provide in-depth analysis of learning performance and knowledge gaps.
  • Polling function – Querifi has a polling function so managers and instructors can get instant feedback, anytime and anywhere.
  • Question generator – Querifi prompts recall by regularly presenting the learner with timed questions and challenges either on topics they have just been formally taught or knowledge they have gained “on-the-job”.  Questions are created in the flexible and user-friendly question generator and there is a wide range of question types.
  • Question bank – completed questions are stored in the Querifi question bank. Timing and delivery is fully flexible.
  • Reporting & analytics – reporting is crucial, and easy-to-access reports show managers where improvement is needed in real-time.
  • Skills assessment – before and after assessments happen in Querifi to identify where extra attention is needed. Drill-down allows detailed analysis of the progress of each user.
  • User management – managing users is made easy from an intuitive program manager dashboard.
  • User reward programs – rewards provide further motivation and contribute to the experience.
  • Video support – Querifi supports video which adds a further dynamic dimension to the App.